Who is Portabianca Publishing?

Monica La Porta
USA Today Bestselling Author Monica La Porta landed in Seattle several years ago. Despite popular feelings about the Northwest weather, she finds the mist and the rain the perfect conditions to write.
Being a strong advocate of universal acceptance and against violence in any form and shape, she is also glad to have landed precisely in Washington State. She writes love stories in every shade of romance, from futuristic to paranormal, fantasy, dystopian, and even contemporary, depending on her mood.

Christopher White
Born and raised in Texas, Christopher White has lived on all four U.S.A. coasts (in Houston, Los Angeles, New York City, and Cleveland), before settling down on Puget Sound in the well-caffeinated Pacific Northwest.
An Internet humor pioneer, he spent 25 years producing the popular online feature The Top 5 List. Although he’s ghostwritten more than 50 books and novellas, the Domino Trilogy are his debut novels under his own name.
Christopher lives in Olympia, WA, and spends his time competing in epic tug-of-war battles with his dog, Mingus.